
ISSN 0137-2971, e-ISSN 2449-951X

100 punktów za artykuły naukowe!

Zgodnie z Komunikatem Ministra Nauki z 5 stycznia 2024 r. w sprawie wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych, autorzy za publikację artykułów naukowych w miesięczniku „Materiały Budowlane” z dyscyplin: inżynieria lądowa, geodezja i transport; architektura i urbanistyka; inżynieriamateriałowa; inżynieria chemiczna; inżynieria mechaniczna, a także inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka, otrzymują 100 pkt.

ISSN 0137-2971

E-ISSN 2449-951X

Original version: paper



Materiały Budowlane  is one of the oldest (published since 1946) peer-reviewed technical and scientific journal in Poland, addressed to all professional groups related to civil engineering. For many years it was just a polish language journal but since few years it is becoming an international one as the best papers are translated and presented in English.

Official name of our journal is Materiały Budowlane. Therefore authors are requested to use only this name (not English translation – Building Materials) because the journal is registered in all databases as Materialy Budowlane.


It is an important forum for the dissemination of knowledge, practice and R&D in the wide field of construction, especially structural engineering, building materials and their application on site, civil engineering management and evaluation of civil structures. It reaches the designers and architects, investors, contractors of construction works of both new works and repair, producers, manufacturers and distributors of construction and building materials, state representatives and local administration,  building supervisors and R&D staff, etc. Among the readers there are also academics, lecturers and students of higher education, vocational schools and secondary schools, who receive the journal for free. It is possible due to and action started several years ago: Sponsorship subscription for universities and schools, founded by a dozen companies and institutions.

Materialy Budowlane includes presentations of modern design solutions, technology and materials used in construction, erection and modernization of buildings and civil engineering structures, the results of research carried out by scientists from Polish and foreign universities and research institutes, as well as the latest achievements in the field of innovation in construction.

Materialy Budowlane journal is also a source of knowledge about the amendments and interpretations of building regulations, the progress in implementing the EU standardization, state and prospects of development of the construction industry and individual sectors of industry of building materials in Poland. In each volume many interesting papers are published. They are prepared by outstanding domestic and foreign authorities in various fields of construction.


The journal (printed version) is available mainly by online subscription, but it is also sold at numerous conferences, seminars and trade fairs. Single archive papers are also available online at sigma-not.pl. Selected papers are available online by Open Access.


Journal is published monthly (12 issues per year) until the end of the following month.
Number of papers per issue varies due to organization of the journal in thematic layouts but is not less than five.


Scientific papers published in Materialy Budowlane are indexed in the following databases:

Scoring awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the publication of scientific articles in the monthly "Materiały Budowlane":

2018 - 8 points 2013 - 6 points
2017 - 8 points 2012 - 6 points
2016 - 8 points 2011 - 6 points
2015 - 8 points 2010 - 6 points
2014 - 6 points  

DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Each scientific paper published in  Materialy Budowlane has a DOI number. The authors of papers are asked to use DOI numbers in the reference lists, wherever it is possible. This number can be checked in the database DOI Systems like: dx.doi.org.

MODEL citations

Products out, published in the magazine "Materialy Budowlane", please quote the following form: Surname autora1 Name, First Name Last Name autora2. Publication date. "Title of the article". Materialy Budowlane Volume (issue number): page numbers. DOI.

Example: Andrzej Garbacz, Bogumil Chmielewska, Peter Sobociński. 2015. "Resin flooring in parking lots." Materialy Budowlane 519 (11): 89-92. DOI 10.15199/33.2015.11.26.

Andrzej Dobrucki, MSc., Eng., Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers (honorary chairman), Poland
Zbigniew Giergiczny, Prof., Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Stefan Góralczyk, Ph. D., Eng. Associate Professor, Institute of Mechanised Construction and Rock Mining, Poland
dr inż. Mieczysław Grodzki, Mazovian Regional Chamber of Civil Engineers
Eugeniusz Hotała, Ph. D., Eng. Associate Professor, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Mariusz Jackiewicz, Ph. D., Eng., Visbud-Projekt Sp.z o.o., Poland
Janusz Komurkiewicz, MSc. Eng., Fakro Sp. z o.o., Poland
Józef Kostrzewski, Eng., Concrete Producers Association, Poland
Piotr Kurach, MSc., Eng., Rettenmaier Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland
Marek Małecki, MSc., Solbet Sp. z o.o., Poland
dr inż. Małgorzata Niziurska, Research Network ŁUKASIEWICZ Institute of Mechanized Construction and Rock Mining
Adam Zbigniew Pawłowski, Prof., retired
Adam Podhorecki, Prof., UTP University of Science and Technology, Poland
Barbara Rymsza, Prof., Road and Bridge Research Institute, Poland
dr inż. Sebastian Wall, Building Research Institute
Marta Wasilewska, Ph. D., Eng., Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
Genowefa Zapotoczna-Sytek, Ph.D., Eng., Associate Professor, Association of Engineers and Technicians of the Building Materials Industry
Józef Zubelewicz, MSc., Erbud S.A., Poland
Krzysztof Żółtowski, Ph. D., DSc., Eng., Associate Professor, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland



Publisher SIGMA-NOT Sp. o.o. It is the oldest and largest in Poland, publisher of technical press. As organized outbuilding operating since 1949., But the oldest title - "Technical Review" is published for nearly 150 years.

The portfolio Publishing SIGMA-NOT is currently 30 titles from the trade press, in such areas as construction, technical supervision, electronics, electrical engineering, surveying, chemistry, food industry, mining, metallurgy, papermaking, telecommunications, packaging technology, quality problems, the industry light, environmental protection and the protection and safety. Journals reads more than 200 thousand. people.

In 2007. Publisher SIGMA-NOT launched Portal Technical Information www.sigma-not.pl - the largest online database of technical articles, currently numbering almost 95 thousand. publication. Portal access all articles published in journals published by SIGMA-NOT, since 2004 (publication of the monthly "Materaly budowlane": www.sigma-not.pl/czasopisma-33-budownictwo-i-geodezja-materialy-budowlane. html).