Rules for materials for publication in Materialy Budowlane journal
The Editorial Board accepts for publication only original papers, previously unpublished in other journals or conference proceedings (congresses, symposia) unless the publication is ordered by the editors. In the case of publication in Materialy Budowlane journal materials that have already been published, and this fact will be revealed after the publication of the article in the journal, the editors will post relevant information in one of the next editions of the journal.
Sending work to the editor it is considered to be synonymous with the statement of the Author(s) that this condition is met. If you accept to print Author(s) sign with the Publishing House SIGMA-NOT Sp. o.o. consents to the unpaid and non-exclusive publication of the article, i.e.
- the recording and reproduction of the work – by producing copies by printing technique and digital technique,
- copying, whose work has been recorded – by marketing, lending or renting copies,
- public access, including on the Internet,
- dissemination in whole or in part for advertising and / or promotional purposes.
Author(s) articles sent for publication in the journal are responsible for compliance with copyright law – both the content of the work, as well as used in the illustrations or statement should provide its own achievements of the author(s) or must be described in accordance with the rules of citation, with the appointment the source of the quote (literature).
The following type of papers are considered for publication in Materialy Budowlane journal:
- original research paper – presents the results of previously unpublished original research (of an empirical, theoretical, technical or analytical nature) of the author or a team directly subordinate to him, novelty is evaluated in relation to current knowledge and achievements in a given field, constituting an original contribution to the world science; it is also a monographic article, conference article or scientific essay;
- review paper – describes the current state of knowledge in a given subject area, collects, interprets and confronts the conclusions from many sources and publications, it contains both a theoretical description, current and properly selected source literature, as well as the practical aspect of the problem, but it does not have to present the original research results;
- scientific report – has the form of a paper about the results of research not yet completed, which at this stage are of particular importance for science, e.g. preliminary results of empirical research, course and preliminary results of original experimental research or original technical solutions;
- case study – contains a description of an case (one or more) that is of interest from a scientific or practical point of view; study of this case; discussion based on the latest literature and conclusions resulting from the analysis.
When submitting your manuscript select the proper type of paper.
Please find the Paper Guidelines that is a helpfull document to prepare a paper. It presenting how to format your paper in details.
Editor does not return unsolicited material, and reserves the right to edit and abridge texts and make summaries.
There are no strict formatting requirements exept following Paper Guidelines. All manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to convey your manuscript, for example: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, Figures and Tables with Captions. Divide the article into clearly defined sections. Please ensure that you have included page numbers in your paper.
Please ensure the figures and the tables included in the manuscript file are placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript, rather than at the bottom or the top of the file.
The corresponding caption should be placed directly below the figure and above the table.
Materialy Budowlane journal accept paper written in Polish and English.
The best Polish papers are translated and presented in English.
If you write in english, please write your text in good American or British English usage, but not a mixture of these.
Manuscript length preferably no more than 12 manuscript pages following Paper Guidelines, including tables and illustrations.
This journal operates a double blind review process (the identities of both reviewers and authors are concealed from each other throughout the review). All contributions will be initially assessed by the Editor for suitability for aims and scope of Materialy Budowlane journal. Next papers seemed to be suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper. The Editor is responsible for the final decision on acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor’s decision is final.