mgr inż. Robert Klaczyński
dr inż. Mirosław Chłosta
W Instytucie Mechanizacji Budownictwa i Górnictwa Skalnego (IMBiGS) uruchomiono prace mające na celu zaprojektowanie i wdrożenie nowatorskiego, pierwszego w Polsce, urządzenia do obróbki głów pali betonowych, zbrojonych, średnicy 300 ÷ 400 mm. Projekt jest odpowiedzią na potrzebę automatyzacji tego procesu.
Innovative pile head crushing machine
Work is aimed at designing and implementing the innovative device for pile head trimming. This very first device of this type created in Poland is meant to work with reinforced concrete piles with 300 – 400 mm diameter and will be mounted on excavator's arm. Studies were set due to high demand of automation of piles heads trimming. The pile head trimming work consists of crushing a concrete part from a pile to required height and the reinforcement bars should remain untreated. These days this work is laborious and consists of many operations. Also huge problem is the hazard of injury of participating workers. Because there are many piles on construction site and each of them need the same treatment, the device, which can handle this job efficiently and safely, is required. Users of the device will be construction companies. Some of them have already notified the demand of using the device.
Materiały Budowlane 3/2013, strona 72-73 (spis treści >>)