dr inż. Janusz Rymsza
Sieć dróg publicznych w Polsce liczy ponad 406 000 km, z czego ponad 18 000 km stanowią drogi krajowe, a pozostałą część – drogi samorządowe (informacje o stanie sieci dróg publicznych są z kwietnia 2012 r.). Drogi samorządowe można podzielić na: wojewódzkie, które stanowią 7%, powiatowe – 33% i gminne – 60%. Drogi krajowe, mimo że stanowią mniej niż 5% dróg w sieci dróg publicznych, przenoszą aż 60% całego ruchu drogowego, a więc drogi samorządowe, stanowiące 95% dróg publicznych, przenoszą tylko 40% ruchu drogowego.
Technical inspection of bridges currently exposed to increased service load
Bridges being part of Polish public roads have been built at various times, some of them were constructed even more than 100 years ago. Such structures were designed for vehicles weighing less than vehicles being roadworthy today. Admitting a service load which is higher than the designed one will speed up deterioration of the technical condition of the bridges – which will decrease the durability of the structures and shorten the time of use without their restorations or reconstruction.Therefore, in order to avoid affecting the durability of all bridges, heavy vehicle traffic should only be allowed on selected roads. Every effort should be made so that heavy vehicles do not use roads not adjusted to such traffic. Vehicles’ parameters such as total weight and axis load should be controlled within the intelligent transport system which is currently being developed.